
There are 22 NLP conferences in ACL Anthology. Each year papers are published pertaining to different categories as long, short, research workshops, demonstration etc. Here we have processed the meta-data regarding the Short, Long and Demomstration papers of all the conferences.

The meta-data contains author names and year of publication. The extra meta-data generated by the OCR++ application are affiliation, author-emails,footnotes and url. The different plots are made here by permuting the mentioned meta-dataset.


Analysing the metadata and using the OCR++ application to extract features , the currently supported features are :
1) Number of Papers per Year per Conference
2) Number of Unique Authors per year per Conference
3) Number of Papers per Author per Year per Conference
4) Number of Authors per Paper per Year per Conference
5) Avg. number of References per Paper per Year per Conference
6) Number of URLS per paper per Year per Conference
7) Avg. number of URLs in Footnote per Paper per Year per Conference
8) Avg. number of Tables per Paper per Year per Conference
9) Avg. number of Figures per Paper per Year per Conference
10) Most Popular primary URL domains & their Frequency per Conference
11) Top GitHub pages per Conference
12) Top University pages per Conference